Saturday, December 24, 2016

[AToFG 2015] Fallen Realms Final Picture

And here is the final family picture for my participation at the 2015 Tale of Four Gamers painting challenge with my gaming club (Centre National du Jeu, Boulogne-Billancourt, France).

This was a sizable chunk of unpainted minis lying under my bed that are now done. I am excited for the new rules for the Middle-Earth SBG to get these guys out, although the LoTR SBG is not played much in my gaming club which is unfortunate since it is a fantastic ruleset. 

[AToFG 2015] September to December painting

Since I am posting the updates for the 2015 Tale of Four Gamers painting challenge quite late (it is the end of 2016 after all), here are my remaining sets for the period from September to December

-September: The Betrayer

-October: joker, no set this month ! 

-November: 2 half-trolls, Suladan on foot (old model) and the Mumak cornak

-December: the Mumak itself ! 
The skin was painted with an airbrush for the most part and then I applied washed with a brush and light drybrushing. 

[AToFG 2015] August painting Hashariin and Watchers of Karna

Here is my set for August in the Tale of Four Gamers Painting Challenge:

-3 Hashariin
-3 watchers of Karna

[AToFG 2015] July painting 6 Haradrim Raiders

Here is my set for July in the Tale of Four Gamers Painting Challenge:

-6 Haradrim raiders

[AToFG 2015] April painting 18 Haradrim Spearmen

Here is my set for April in the Tale of Four Gamers Painting Challenge:

-18 Haradrim Spearmen