Monday, October 21, 2013

October Gaming: Flames of War Early War and Warmachine-Hordes Journeyman Campaign Final

September and October were two busy months so far gaming-wise for me with the start of the new gaming season at my club. 

My first game of this year was a 1500 pts Early War game of Flames of War. I played a French Infantry Company of Fusiliers-Voltigeurs and my opponent played the Germans (including airplanes). Needless to say, the Germans won.... Here is a picture of the table from the French point of view: 

The second big game was the final giant game ending the Journeyman campaign for Warmachine-Hordes that had been running all year ; it was an scenario-based escalation campaign throughout the year in 4 rounds (first round 15 pts, second round 25 pts, third and fourth rounds 35 pts or more). In the final game, the faction leading in terms of points (Orboros) had some advantages it could pick from in a list made by the organizers. Everybody started gaming on their own table (see picture of my own army below) and could use teleportation zones to move to the central table. There were also control pods that allowed the person controlling them to take control (or break control of an enemy) of a Colossal/Gargantuan on the central table.


 Here is a picture of the central table and its Colossals/Gargantuans before the start of the game. 


Once the game started, a lot of people teleported to the central table and its was quite a fun mess!

Everybody could gain victory points by fulfilling different objectives either public or personal. It was a lot of fun and at the end Orboros did quite well although Khador won overall.

Next up this month, 40K is back on the table. I am dusting my 5th Ed Crimson Fists and finishing to build my new Stalker to accompany them. It will be my first 6th Ed game, let's hope it goes well!

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